Eating live snails reduces the risk of cancer and increases life expectancy . 

Scientists from the NIHR Oxford Biomedical Research Centre have discovered as well as reducing the risk of cancer, snails also increase life expectancy up to 10% they also are rich in nutrients, help stop diabetes and repair damaged blood vessels.

“we had no idea of the size of the discovery after we found out that people who eat snails live for longer , do not have any damaged blood vessels and only one case out of the 476 that we tested in our research had diabetes.” Said Professor Hoof Hearted

This is because special glands previously undiscovered in snails reproduce slime on their bodies into a sustainable source of food. It also explains why snails can live for such a long time without eating, this process is now called ” metaphrsistic rehabilitation”.

Powdered metaphristic will be on sale at most pharmacies from the 2nd of March 2013.

Romeo and Juliet Assessment Results

Over-All grade: (provisional) 6B

  1. Dramatic Presentation: 6A – Your dramatic presentation showed confidence in delivery and a clear appreciation of the character’s thoughts and emotions.
  2. Timeline: 6B – detailed and succinct.
  3. Prop: Submitted, pending interview
  4. Essay:
    • Reading Grade: 6B – Clear appreciation of some of the lingustic, stylistic, generic and historical context of the play
    • Writing Grade: 6C – Well structured, with clear reference to quotations to support your ideas. Would have benefitted from reference to wider range of ideas and from more developed analysis.