Macbeth analyze


“We have scorched the snake not killed it.”

The word snake is a metaphor for Banquo and Fleance. A snake is usually portrayed as being sly and venomous. This means that Macbeth who is says this is making out that they are sly and venomous. This is reinforced by a sibilance “scorched the snake” which makes the line seem more controlling and powerful. We is a pronoun, this is careful manipulation by Macbeth. He is saying instead of himself killing Banquo he is elevating his wife to the same level. This line uses imagery in the scorching of the snake.

letter to lady Macbeth

Dear wife

We have succeeded in conquering the Norwegians in spite of the traitorous Thane of Cawdor who gave information about us to the enemy. He will be executed. After the battle me and Banquo were strolling in the woods when we found 3 witches. They prophesised that I would be Thane of Cawdor and king and that Banquo’s children would be kings and queens.

I am already thane of glands but to be Thane of Cawdor would be a privilege and an honour. I am confused since the witches said that I would be crowned king but that would mean I have to kill the king.

Yours dearly Macbeth

Creative writing The Chrysalids

It took ten days to load up with provisions in readiness for the coming voyage. During that time I would find a quiet corner and read the through the great quantity of books that had been deposited on board ship to entertain those sailors that were not toiling away above or bellow deck. This was the first ship that I had been on and I was old enough to get a job as a cabin boy but young enough to still have a sense of fun. I would go tearing round the ship yard with all the boys whose fathers earned a living loading and unloading the never ending shortage of boats. We would run up the piles of sand that had been deposited on the quay side ready to be taken to faraway distant lands to the North and slide down on an old tea tray to the consistent hatred and occasional chase from the dock workers.

We set off on the 12th May. Our target was to go further than any ship had ever gone before. The more we sailed South the colder it became until it was nearly unbearable. I would retreat under the deck at every opportunity that I could. We would usually sail with the coast in sight, so it was of great surprise to me when I woke up one morning and it had gone, I asked the Purser about this when I had finished my morning shift. “No one that goes there comes back alive, it looks like a big sore on the earth, nothing lives there or could live ,there are no plants ,no animals, no bacteria even the sea around it is lifeless. Its cursed. Some sailors sailed too close and they died the ones that survived managed to bring the ship back to port, they all died within a month of reaching dry land.” I was enraptured and enthralled I wanted to hear more about this strange land and plagued him with questions about it for the next three days. On the evening of my fourth day at sea something was to happen which would send me cowering and shivering every time it was mentioned for the next forty-three years.


How does William Shakespeare explore fate in his play Romeo and Juliet.

How does William Shakespeare explore fate in his play Romeo and Juliet? This is the question that my essay is based on. In this essay I will explain and give examples of fate in Romeo and Juliet. Fate is a power or force that predetermines events in our lives and is unchangeable. The description of fate in the Oxford Dictionary is, “The development of events outside a persons control regarded by a supernatural power.”

When Romeo says “yet hanging in the stars,” before the Capulet party he is saying that he    has a feeling that something will happen that night that will affect the rest of his life. It does, Romeo falls in love with Juliet which in turn leads to their suicides. Throughout the play both Romeo and Juliet give references about their up coming death. In act 1 scene 5 Juliet says to Nurse “Go ask his name if he be married my grave is like to be my wedding bed.”

In the 14th century where the play was set nearly everyone was religious and they thought that god gave them life, that it was a gift and if you took your life that it was a sin so Romeo and Juliet killing them selves was against gods will. when Romeo finds out from Balthasar that Juliet is dead  (she is not but only friar Lawrence knows)  he says ” I defy you stars,” meaning that he rejects God in what he is about to do.

William Shakespeare uses fate in his play to make it realistic because fate happens sometimes in real life, nearly everyone in Verona where the play was set was religious their faith was a huge part of their lives therefore they believed that fate was gods work and that he decided what would happen in your life.

If william Shakespeare had not used fate in Romeo and Juliet the play would be uninteresting because nothing unusual or out of the blue would happen, it would mean that they would not meet which would change the whole course of events, without fate in the play there would be no Romeo and Juliet.






Time line of Romeo and Juliet

Sunday morning

The montages and Capulets start a street brawl . The Prince breaks it up and says that if they fight again he will kill them.

Sunday afternoon

Romeo and Benvolio learn that Rosoline is being invited to a ball and Benvolio puts Romeo on the list of guests so that they could meet.

Sunday evening

Lady Capulet tells Juliet that Paris wants to marry her.

Sunday evening 

Romeo and friends arrive outside the Capulet house.

Sunday evening and late evening

Romeo and Juliet meet at the party and fall in love.

Tybalt is angry that Romeo came because he was a Capulet and this party was at the Montague house.

Sunday late evening.

Benvolio and Mercutio look for Romeo who has run off to see Juliet.

Benvolio and Mercutio get tired of looking for Romeo and go home. The famous balcony scene follows in which Romeo makes a vow to marry Juliet on Monday.

Monday early morning

Romeo asks Friar Laurence to marry them later that day Friar Laurence agrees to because he thought that it would end the feud between the two houses.

Monday afternoon 

Romeo and Juliet are married by Friar Laurence In the church  the nurse is the only other member present except the choir.

Monday afternoon 

Tybalt challenges Romeo but he refuses so Tybalt challenges Mercutio and kills him. Romeo is angry and kills Tybalt.Romeo then runs away. The prince orders Romeo to be banished from Verona.

Monday night

The Nurse tells Juliet that Romeo had been banished. Romeo goes to Juliet’s bedroom and spends the night there.

Tuesday morning 

Capulet decides that Juliet should marry Paris on Thursday he does not know that Juliet was already married to Romeo. When Juliet refuses he gets angry and orders her to marry him.

Tuesday morning

Juliet goes to Friar Laurence to seek help to what she should do. Friar Laurence comes up with a plan for her and Romeo to be back together. His plan is for her to go home and tell her father that she will marry Paris, when she goes to bed she will take a drug that will put her into a deep sleep her family will than think that she was dead. When she is put into her tomb prior to her being buried, the drug will wear off , Romeo will meet her there and they will run away.

Tuesday night

Juliet takes the drug and falls asleep on her bed.