Category: romeo and juliet

  • Romeo and Juliet Assessment Results

    Over-All grade: (provisional) 6B Dramatic Presentation: 6A – Your dramatic presentation showed confidence in delivery and a clear appreciation of the character’s thoughts and emotions. Timeline: 6B – detailed and succinct. Prop: Submitted, pending interview Essay: Reading Grade: 6B – Clear appreciation of some of the lingustic, stylistic, generic and historical context of the play Writing…

  • How does William Shakespeare explore fate in his play Romeo and Juliet.

    How does William Shakespeare explore fate in his play Romeo and Juliet? This is the question that my essay is based on. In this essay I will explain and give examples of fate in Romeo and Juliet. Fate is a power or force that predetermines events in our lives and is unchangeable. The description of fate in…

  • My choices for Romeo and Juliet

    1 analytic essay 2 dramatic monologue 3 design and build a prop for a scene  

  • Time line of Romeo and Juliet

    Sunday morning The montages and Capulets start a street brawl . The Prince breaks it up and says that if they fight again he will kill them. Sunday afternoon Romeo and Benvolio learn that Rosoline is being invited to a ball and Benvolio puts Romeo on the list of guests so that they could meet. Sunday evening Lady…